Summer courses 2021 S2 from 12/07 to 16/07 (5 days) Summer courses 2021 S2 from 12/07 to 16/07 (5 days) Newsletter Choice of weekWhich week of the course would you like?S2 from 12/07 to 16/07 (5 days)Choice of participant ageHow old is the participant?3 to 6 years6 to 9 years10 to 16 years14 to 18 years>18 yearsChoice of course formulaMake your choiceTennis - discoveries - full day from 9am to 4pmTennis - half-day discoveries from 9am to 12pmTennis - cycling from 9am to 4pm Tennis - mini - Sciences from 9am to 4pm Tennis - mini-Gym from 9am to 4pm Choice of course formulaMake your choiceTennis 100 % - 9am to 4pm Tennis 100 % - half-day (morning or afternoon) from 9am to 12pm or from 1pm to 4pmTennis - Multi-Games - 9am to 4pm (sports and games + fun + challenges)Tennis Girls - Fun - theatre - dance, ... from 9am to 4pm Tennis Fun-excursions (museum , attractions , funs , ...) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tennis pro competition ( with follow-up ) Competitive tennis (preparation or refresher courses) (no follow-up) Tennis pro competition half-day - 9 to 12 noon - 1 to 4pm (no follow-up)Choice of course formulaMake your choiceTennis 100 % from 9am to 4pmTennis 100 % - half-day (morning or afternoon) from 9am to 12pm or from 1pm to 4pmTennis - Multi-Games from 9am to 4pm (sports and games + fun + challenges) Tennis girls - Fun - theatre - dance, ... from 9am to 4pmTennis pro competition ( with follow-up ) Competitive tennis (preparation or refresher courses) (no follow-up) Tennis pro competition half-day - 9 to 12 noon - 1 to 4pm (no follow-up) Choice of course formulaMake your choiceTeenage fun tennis from 4pm to 6pmTennis pro competition from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with tournament monitoringTennis pro competition from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. without tournament supportTennis pro competition half-day (9am to 12pm or 1pm to 4pm) without supervisionChoice of course formulaMake your choiceTennis and fitness course from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. or 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.Private courses for young people and adults (1 or 2 participants max) 3 hours/week Private courses for young people and adults (1 or 2 participants max) 5 hours/week The person responsibleFirst nameNameWhere do you live?AddressCityPostcodeE-mail of the person responsibleTelephone numberDo you have a comment to make? For 6-18 year-olds. You can choose the "Combat de nerfs" option. All you have to do is specify it below as well.The participantFirst name of participantName of participantParticipant's date of birthMeals during the courseSelect ...The child will come with his mealHot mealHot meal >8 yearsBar sandwichDo you agree to your child's photo being taken during the course?Select ...I acceptI refuseBank transfer Payment at the Club (1st day of course) Online paymentSelect ...Bank transferPayment to the Club (1st day of course)Online paymentPay directly from your bank account. In communicationPlease indicate the surname and first name of the participant and the e-mail address used to place the order.FORTIS accountBE11 001 747 168 848Put it in an envelope - mark it with the name of the person responsible and the order number - and hand it in on the 1st day of the course!I pay the amount of